Project D-D

Category: Fiction, M (18+)
Format: work in progress


This is a work in progress, so it might not be well-edited, and is subject to changes when it’s finished. Nevertheless, it will get new updates as it’s written.


Worlds of wonder awaiting eye’s delightful plunder

Mr Reaper

Category: Fiction, M (18+)
Format: 205 pages, Ebook, hardcover

Reil, a young man in his early 20s is trying to pave his way out of the filth. Great skill and courage is needed to overcome the odds, but those who are successful are like a magnet to the ill intent of greed.


Category: Fiction, M (18+)
Format: 48 pages, Ebook, hardcover

In Eastern Europe, during the Soviet Union and Cold War, a boy in high school is met with the choice of doing the right thing, but the cost of such may shift his future to an entirely different direction. No matter his choice, fates rest upon the feet of those who take life into their own hands.

Did you know

All these books were written, edited
and designed by Inlet


Category: Non-fiction, T (13+)
Format: 33 pages, Ebook, hardcover

Language is not only the fundamental building blocks of our communication with others, but is the core of our understanding of the world around us, as well as ourselves.

Beginner’s WriteBase

Category: Non-fiction, T (13+)
Format: 62 pages, Ebook, hardcover

There’s an aspiring author in all of us, hiding deep and awaiting one’s choice of light. The more you wait, the more you’ll stagnate your ideas of grandness and creativity.

Lies of the Modern World

Category: Non-fiction, T (13+)
Format: 21 pages, PDF

The age of the snake oil scheme has passed into history, but with the great haste of information and constant change of our world, this stagnation in knowledge and understanding proved to be a catalyst of ignorance.


Category: Poetry, M (18+)
Format: 33 pages, PDF

With each stroke of key, the writer tinkers hard on thee, with mind wandering the realm of free, he searches for words to suit the need.

Inquiries – [email protected]