Generation War

Seeing the side of the World War 2 German soldier is definitely a must-do, because they weren’t those that were exactly responsible for the Holocaust or the genocide against humanity. The culprits were SS, while the reason for all this were the people who allowed such government and decisions.

The Wehrmacht consisted of people who were called to arms or had entered willingly. They didn’t know they’d be sent to fight a war that would prove meaningless and idiotic.

The Eastern Front was a sad place for everyone, a place I’d never even want to imagine being near because of its incredible aura of death, anguish and cold. The German soldier could feel fear, hunger, pain and insanity just like his enemy.

They weren’t monsters, the monsters were those in control over their lives, the democratically elected leaders who had promised prosperity and wealth. The issue is it could’ve happened everywhere. It already has and it will. The past is nothing but a premise for the future, a clearer outlook.