Vertex Group Collections


Location: Superhive

This is something I desperatly needed when I started doing more advanced things with geometry nodes on and something that really should be in by default in Blender. Works really well and how you would think. However you can’t select multiple vertex groups at the same time like with regular vertex groups, and it makes it a bit of a hassle at the start when organizing all the weight groups. After that it works fine.

Another thing is more design-related, when you add a vertex group to a folder it feels a bit redundant to have the folder dropdown menu next to the group name since it takes up so much space and it should already be clear what folder it is in. I think having a “assign to folder” button under the special menu or it’s own button would be better, at least if you also could select multiple at the same time.


Location: Superhive

Absolutely broken. Vertex groups suddenly appear in the wrong collections, some groups disappear entirely, and some suddenly merge with other groups. Great potential as a tool, but unusable right now.

  • Issues have not been replicated due to a lack of a bug report with details. Attempts at finding the issues have been made and have not been experienced. No communication has been established.


Location: Gumroad

I’ve only used it for a few minutes and already encountered a bug. 1: if you install the plugin and you try to add new vertex groups, it won’t allow you until you delete the old ones 2: It won’t let you transfer vertex group from amatures for some reason? Note: I am using blender 4.2

  • Issue with ‘old’ vertex groups not reacting is derived from a fresh install that can be fixed with a one-time restart. Issue 2 does not have sufficient information for replication. No communication has been established.