When do you call a lawyer?
Obviously not when you’re feeling bored and looking for a buddy. But when the time comes, you need to be prepared to make the right choices that would suit your interests best:
- A serious insurance event has occurred
- You’re unsure about the situation
- Compensation isn’t fair
Yet even with experience come the small mistakes that can have consequences on your insurance settlement.
This is why it’s advisable to stick to the law, so the law can protect you without hesitation.

When you do get into an accident, stay calm and assess the situation, especially your own health. Not always can you see your injuries, especially when they’re internal.
Call the police and report the accident. It can be tempting to just talk it over with the other driver and settle it unofficially, but injuries from car accidents can take time before coming to light. Do not forget to archive as much evidence as possible using your phone.
What you should never do is to apologize to the other driver, since such can incriminate you as to admitting guilt.
After the official part is over, go to a hospital for an evaluation of your injuries, since the document you’ll be given is necessary for your insurance claim.
Tricky part now comes in regards to getting compensation, since insurance companies will try all the legal tricks to minimize it. In this case getting a good car accident attorney is the best way to have your interests defended.

You might be wondering if it’s worth the price, but do know that you can find an incredible attorney who’d deduct those payments after you’ve been paid for a percentage of the total sum.
Of course you can try to dispute this all by yourself, but the question remains: if you’ve got all this time of learning the hoops and dealing with relentless bureaucracy: what if you make mistakes along that way?
If and when such an accident happens: stay calm, archive everything, go through the formal route, get an attorney and enjoy the reimbursement back to health.