
Fear not the blank page

Smoking Pipe Pack – Modular, Static

Discover the smoking pipes pack containing 70 unique styles, complete with a modular design of flexible shape key controls for hundreds of potential variations. Elevate your tobacco pipe experience to a whole new level.

XnShell – Shell Menu for Windows

If you’ve ever wanted to quickly convert a picture into a different format, resize it, rotate it and so on, then XnShell can make all that…


Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Father Grek was brought awake by a sudden breeze of gasoline-lessness, upon a marvelous city with a tall spire wherein he thought his destiny resided, but fates had a different taste to his future, one of rats, one of stench, one of being called ugly by a filthy loser. But in …

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Beginner’s WriteBase

There’s an aspiring author in all of us, hiding deep and awaiting one’s choice of light. The more you wait, the more you’ll stagnate your ideas of grandness and creativity. With the insights in this guide, you’ll be able to have a wall to lean upon in those trying times of writing. Everything else will …

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Typewriter Rigged and ready for Animation

Experience the glory of the typewriter through its careful assembly of moveable keys, typebars, platen and knobs: all crafted in the iconic style of the 20th century machinery.

Vertex Group Collections

Bring order and structure to your Blender Vertex Groups. Organized into folders and subfolders, named for your maximum convenience; experience the joy of an easy-to-use, sleek file system.

Split Keys: Shape Key Management

Group related shape keys together for easier management and control of your mesh in Blender. Up to 3 shape keys can be combined and each value displayed in one place.

UpdateRun: Debug & Programme

One click in UpdateRun is like waving a magic wand over your addon in Blender’s Text Editor with terminal clearing, timestamps, completion…

Remove Duplicates – LibreOffice Calc

You have 2 lists, but the 2nd list contains duplicates from the 1st, so naturally you’d want to remove them. In LibreOffice Calc you can do that via the Filter tool.